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Why the Six Pack Pill works...

Find out what makes the Six Pack Pill really work

By LA Muscle on 15.04.2014 06:52 am


Some people’s reaction to the Six Pack Pill is “how can a pill give you a six pack?” This is quite a normal reaction if you believe that a six pack is the result of doing exercises in the gym. Many people are under the mistaken belief that abs/six packs are “made in the gym”. This is not correct. Read on…

Spending hours in the gym doing endless sit-ups, crunches, leg raises etc will not give you a six pack. Yes, it may harden up your abdominal muscles, however unless your bodyfat levels are below 10%, you will not be even close to seeing a decent set of abs.

Six Pack Abs

Models and athletes who you see in magazines, on TV and so on have built their six pack by doing “some” work in the gym, but the majority of their work has been in the “kitchen”! What you eat (or not) is 90% of what contributes to a decent set of abs.

Now you are beginning to see why the Six Pack Pill may actually really work. No matter how well you eat, how clean you eat, how much fat you avoid and how much water you drink, there will still be a layer of fat, however thin or thick that will cover your abs and stop them from looking their best.

Most people find it very difficult to get rid of this last layer of fat and truly see their full abs. Exercise all you want and diet all you want but if you just can’t get your abs to come out, you will need help.

The Six Pack Pill is a proprietary formulation that has been designed specifically for bringing out your abs. This exclusive formulation blocks out fat, meaning no more fat gets absorbed and starts metabilising fat out of hard to shift areas, in particular your abdominal region - as used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

The Six Pack Pill works fast and gives results to all from beginner to advanced, men and women. It also comes with LA Muscle’s 100% money back guarantee which means even if you have used it all and are for any reason not happy, you get 100% of your money back.

Summer is always round the corner and comes by before you know it! Make sure you look great on the beach or all year round by using the Six Pack Pill. If you want even quicker results, you can combine it with Six Pack Pill Extreme.



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