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Dr Zak Pallikaros: dieting to get lean

The secret behind his dieting

By LA Muscle on 18.01.2009 11:23 am


Dr Zak Pallikaros's diet

6.30am bowl of porridge (2 packets) (water or skimmed milk) with 2 scoops protein powder 40g protein (LA Whey) + (Norateen Heavyweight II tablets)

9.30am 6 egg whites + 1 whole egg scrambled and ½ cup cooked rice. Or 6 egg whites boiled with 2 brown toast or ryvita and apple

12.30 LUNCH Turkey breast & rice (Norateen Heavyweight II tablets)

3.30pm chicken breast and pineapple OR tuna with pineapple

5.30pm PRE WORKOUT low fat cottage cheese with pineapple + 6 egg whites (boiled) (plus LA Vasculator tablets)

6.30pm TRAIN

8.00pm Protein shake (pure LA Whey) in water mixed with glutamate and creatine (LA Explosive Creatine) straight after training.

9.30pm chicken/turkey breast or Steak or fish with steamed vegetables (broccoli, spinnach etc.) or salad & water (Norateen Heavyweight II tablets)

11.00pm protein shake mixed in water (usually LA Bio_Activator protein drink)

Also take 1 multivitamin and mineral tablet, 8 Norateen Heavyweight II from LA Muscle, zinc tablet every morning. Can also take cod liver oil and flax seed oil which contains omega-3 oils essential for burning fat. Glutamate is very important in holding on to muscle size during diet as it's the most abundant amino acid in the body. I use at least 10g/day
Add a natural fat burner as well 6 weeks before a contest such as LA Fat Stripper. No carbs after 4pm.

Do cardio at least 3 times a week, 15 min on stepper or 20 min on bike.
Avoid dairy products (only low fat cottage cheese allowed), pasta and bread.

Meats: steak, chicken and turkey even lean pork is OK.

Good luck getting the body you deserve.

Dr Zak Pallikaros



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