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How I got me some Norateen EVENTUALLY!

My search for the special one...

By LA Muscle on 01.08.2015 12:12 am


Norateen Heavyweight II - My journey to get some! by Alan Lowe

Recently started training and making good gains… or at least I thought ’til I met Danny. Danny has got “the bod”. OMG what a bod. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t fancy him or nothing, I just admire the man. And the women LOOOOVE him.
Danny’s secret? Solid training, whey protein and Norateen Heavyweight II. He swears by it. S.W.E.A.R.S by it. I mean, like it’s THE ONE. You know what I mean? The SPECIAL ONE. Loves it. Gets him big, gets him strong, get’s him RIPPED. Gets him the girls. I WANT SOME.

I decided to get me some. Went on as Danny suggested and hey presto….. errrm… well, not so fast! They had totally SOLD OUT. I mean not even ONE in stock. Seriously, what’s that all about?

My baby sister’s Aptamil was sold out too. Is this some sort of Alien abduction of the best stuff on earth or what?

OK, I thought, I will get it from elsewhere. What I didn’t know is that no one else sells this Norateen! They just make out like they do and then sell you some other things! Norateen is only available from LA Muscle and guess what? They ain’t got none! Everyone has been buying it like it’s going outa’ fashion!

I told Danny I was NOT happy. He goes on about this stuff as being the BUSINESS and then I can’t get hold of it.

Well, I wasn’t about to give up. Next batch August! No way man. I want some NOW. And you know what? I did get me some. Here’s how…

I went down to the LA Muscle shop in London and they had 3 left. YES! Just for me. I got all 3.

These lovely ladies served me. Oooh what LADIES…. and while you are at it, oooh what a shop! I mean, it’s like a club man! It’s just WILD in there.

Lovely ladies that served me!

Anyway…. moral of the story is the stuff is GOOD. So good that it sells out pretty darn fast so if you want some, then GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!!! I got 3 months’ worth and I figure by then the shop or the online store will have more.

5 days in I’m benching 20 kgs more and looking RIPPED BOY. Danny, you better watch out.





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