The Knowledge > How To Lose Fat >
Friday, 5th July 2019
A healthy and positive lifestyle is key to ensuring you achieve and maintain a stronger and fitter physique. You might be doing a lot of things right but there are always things that can bring your progress to a halt and cause you harm in the long run. Diets and changes are all well and good but if they are not sustainable then they’ll harm you long-term and after a while you’ll revert back to old bad habits and lifestyle choices.
Here is a list of tried and tested hacks that will help you see positive physique and lifestyle changes when done on a regular basis.
There is sugar in nearly everything nowadays and the best way to keep your calories down is to go sugar-free. If things need sweetening, try something natural like honey but only use a small amount. You can use artificial sweeteners occasionally but again don’t over do it. After a while of doing this your body and taste buds should adapt and get used to not having sugar.
Too much alcohol is not only bad for your health but brings with it a lot of calories that could be better used elsewhere. If you can’t cut it out of your diet completely and you drink a lot of alcohol then try and cut down to just a few units per month or even just special occasions if possible. There’s a big trend of non-alcoholic drinks lately so those should be great alternatives.
When dieting you want to portion your meals and control your carbohydrate intake as excess will lead to weight gain. An easy way to do this is to aim for a fist size of whatever carbs you’re having to eat and stick to that every meal. You can always load up on vegetables and greens instead.
The biggest negative contributor to people’s daily health and lifestyles are the many forms of stressors. Whether it’s work, certain people, studies, money etc you need to rid yourself of them in order to be happier. Whatever they are, work through removing them one by one and your sleep, mood, health and overall lifestyle will improve dramatically.
Cutting everything you love out of your diet is going to make it difficult for you to stick to your diet without breaking it and eating things you shouldn’t. A good way to combat this and help you stay on track is to allow yourself something daily that you enjoy eating. Whether its something like a couple of biscuits or a small chocolate bar, as long as its not too high in calories its fine.
Not only do people who get up early get a lot more done throughout the day, but they also lose more weight than people who don’t. This would tend to be a result of the extra calories burned through extra hours of activity. If you can, also try and get your workout done in the morning before work as it will set you up for the day and you wont have to train after work.
Sleep is one of the most important factors to weight loss and a lack of it actually causes weight gain. If you’re going to get up early then you need to get to bed at a decent hour. Get rid of all distractions, put your phone away and aim to be asleep by 9-10pm to take full advantage of the morning and everything you can achieve with those extra hours.
Procrastination and idle minds are killers of productivity. Your time is precious and should be spent bettering yourself, doing hobbies, seeing family and friends as well as other things you enjoy as they will have significant effect on your health and positive lifestyle. A good combination of everything that’s important to you should set you on the right path to happiness and productivity.