Sunday, 18th January 2009
You may have read a recent article in Super Soccer Mag by Ian Wright. It was entitled: "I'll carry on taking my wonder drug" and it was about none other than our own bodybuilding supplement, Creatine! The article went on to talk about the recent problems in Italy and the unfounded rumours being spread by Zdenek Zeman about Creatine being an illegal substance; what a hypocrit! Just as well, he is getting sued for his silly accusations aimed at various Italian players! Good on you Ian and keep taking the wonder drug! Of course, if you want even better results, try LA Muscle's Pure Creatine Monohydrate for super performance!
The Times, amongst many other publications, ran a story on Creatine recently. In this article, two Italian footballers, Vialli and Del Piero were accused of using "illegal substances" i.e Creatine! Zeman, a Czech coach claimed that, "Everyone knows there have been suspicious muscular explosions which began with Vialli and Del Piero".
Of course, Vialli had already stated that he and other players had used this substance, which had side effects such as weight gain!!
Some of these footballers who don't know any better, use Creatine in the pill form. What makes me curious is what would happen if they decided to shift to the proper stuff and use Creatine in powder form?