Sunday, 18th January 2009
After all the media attention, you could not be blamed if you thought Creatine was going to be next on the banned substances list. Prince Alexandre de Merode, chairman of the International Olympics Committee (IOC), has said that Creatine should be regarded as a food. After all, it is made up of amino acids. "We don't tell people that they can't eat eggs or bread," he said. "Creatine is food an there is no reason to ban it. You can't exaggerate..."
It is understandable that the media had to hype a story up to sell newspapers or get viewers. But you would at least expect them to check their facts before going on a full assault! Creatine is OK for now, but who knows what will happen to it? It is thus far the most effective legal muscle and performance increaser. If that's bad, then let's consider banning it again! Mr de Merode is right, what are they going to do next, put a limit on the number of fish you eat in a day in case your performance increases? After all, fish has got Creatine in it!
This is very good news for athletes and bodybuilders all over the world. It means you can still increase your muscle size, strength and performance and you can do so legally and safely. We all know what happens to the quality and safety of substances that get banned. Get your Creatine from a reputable company, use it wisely an you will see the best gains of your life. If you have not tried Explosive Creatine, you are missing out!