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Photos - In and around LA Muscle

In and around LA Muscle

By LA Muscle on 18.01.2009 11:23 am


Ben - UK ANB Heavyweight and Overall Champion 2000, ANB World Heavyweight Champion 2000 Not only is Ben extremely muscular, he is also very strong. Off season he weighs 19 stones!

Ben won two cups in the 2000 finals. First for being the best Heavyweight in the UK. Next for beating all the other classes as well. i.e. for being the bext in the UK; a feat unmatched in the industry. Have you seen all the other ANB champions used in advert photos for other companies? Well, Ben beat "all" of them! Talk about no-contest! Ben came fourth in a qualifier. He then worked like a madman and won the next qualifier, winning the Central England Championships.

La'Mon and Sonbol got on like a house on fire at the EFBB. Sonbol is a 3 time Norwegian and Sacndanavian boxing champion.

Justin Patten at the EFBBs.

Guns of the LA Muscle men! With correct training, recuperation, good diet and strong supplements anything is possible. You just need to set your mind to it and really go for it. Don't believe this "hardgainer" nonsense. Anyone can have a decent physique.

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