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Sunday, 18th January 2009
Cutting edge article by: Dr George Georgiou
Founder of the Da Vinci ClinicMany scientists today strongly believe that ALL people living on planet earth have some form of toxins in their blood, tissues and organs. Many of these are carcinogens (cancer-causing), while others will play havoc with the body's energy-producing mechanisms, damage cells and tissues, and compete with good minerals in the body.
Many of these toxins come from the food that we eat, and given that bodybuilders generally eat larger quantities of food than normal people then it would be safe to assume that they are even more toxic than those that do not pump iron.
Anybody who does not accept that we are ALL toxic should read a stunning research study that was reported by Reuters last year that showed that the blood of newborn babies had on average 287 toxins including heavy metals such as arsenic, antimony, cadmium, lead, mercury, uranium and other organic pesticides and the Teflon chemical PFOA. All these came from the mother! Other studies have shown that even newborn babies in the North Pole in Greenland among the Inuit Eskimos are also very toxic with many of these nasty chemicals.
Even if you escape the chemical avalanche during birth, there are many other sources of toxins - let's take food as an example. Analysis of heavy metals in chicken meat has shown that there are Arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury present. Some chicken farmers even feed their chickens arsenic (yes, that's a nasty poison) because it acts as a growth promoter! When someone eats 60 g of chicken per day (a small leg) they may ingest up to 5 micrograms/day of inorganic arsenic - if we take bodybuilders who would probably eat at least half a chicken or more in each sitting this may rise to 50 micrograms of arsenic per day - a very toxic level. Arsenic has been linked to cancer as well as diabetes.
Fish have also been found to be very toxic in mercury, one of the most damaging metals to the nervous system known to man! Fish with the highest levels of mercury should generally be avoided; these include golden bass, golden snapper, swordfish, shark, king mackerel and grouper fish.
Another source of heavy metals is in our mouths - yes, anyone who has amalgam fillings (that's the ugly metallic ones) will certainly have a level of mercury in their system as these contain 50% mercury. Chewing gum trebles the amount of mercury in the urine, so this is not a good habit for anyone, particularly for sportsmen and bodybuilders.
Heavy metals, particularly radioactive ones, are in the headlines. One of those is Polonium-210 (210Po), which killed Alexander Litvinenko, the former Russian spy. Without getting too much into the socio-politics of terrorism, such a case as this one merely serves to remind us how vulnerable we are to a dirty bomb or other nuclear terrorist attack. Large populations - an entire region, in fact - are exposed to nuclear terrorism. The public water networks, our food chain, even the vast system of public transportation is insecure from any lunatic who has access to something as deadly as 210Po.
These radioactive substances can bind to human DNA causing many mutations and triggering cancer formation.
There are many symptoms that you may already be suffering from but have not related them to toxic metals - here are some common symptoms:
Bodybuilders and other sportsmen are probably accumulating more of these toxins due to the amount of toxic food that they are consuming. These toxic metals can certainly hinder the performance of a bodybuilder in the following ways:
So it is easy to see how important it is for the professional bodybuilder to also detoxify themselves of these harmful toxic metals in order to optimize their performance, both before and during competitions. So what can the professional sportsmen do to really optimize their performance?
The medical industry has developed drugs called "chelators," which is the Greek word for "to claw." Chelators are synthetic drugs that are designed to claw onto heavy metals and eliminate them from the body. There is a downside, however - chelators can be quite toxic, themselves; and, in addition, chelators can remove a portion of desirable minerals from the body. As a medical class, chelators are only available by doctor's prescription, and they are usually administered intravenously.
Fortunately, there is a superior alternative - natural chelators, which can be purchased without a prescription - and one needs only to do an Internet search to find hundreds of articles discussing these natural chelators.
Natural chelators are generally much friendlier - and healthier - than their synthetic (prescription-only) counterparts. One such natural chelator that contains a synergistic formula of three natural ingredients such as Chlorella Growth Factor, Coriandrum sativum (Cilantro) plus a homaccord of chlorella have been documented in scientific research to be beneficial as natural chelators by removing a variety of heavy metals from the body, including uranium.
This natural chelator, registered as Heavy Metal Detox (HMD™), has been tested in double-blind, placebo-controlled trials with 350 people. Over $1 million has been invested in this research. The results proved that HMD™ is very gentle with no side effects, and it can be administered to all age groups, to promote the mobilization and elimination of toxic metals such as arsenic, antimony, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel and uranium.
There are a number of reasons why HMD™ stands out against the competition:
Believe it or not, most of us are toxic with heavy metals. And especially now, in this dangerous world in which we live, everyone should be taking HMD™, either prophylactically to prevent the accumulation of these toxins in our bodies, or therapeutically to remove these nasty health-harming metals.