The Knowledge > Recipes >
Thursday, 1st November 2012
1. First take out a non-stick cooking skillet, and place it on your stove over medium heat.
2. Pour into the skillet the toasted sesame oil, then slide the oil around so that the skillet is well coated.
3. Once your oil is sizzling hot, add in your crushed salted peanuts, and let them fry until they are nicely toasted.
4. While your crushed peanuts are frying, you will want to beat your eggs together in a small mixing bowl.
5. Next whisk into the egg batter the chopped spinach leaves, ground black pepper, and hot chilli powder.
6. Once your batter is smooth and even, pour it into your scorching hot frying pan. Scramble the eggs while they cook, but don't over cook them.
7. After about eight minutes, remove the skillet from the burner, and serve the scrambled eggs hot with wholemeal toast.